Specialized Trainings

Mandatory and non mandatory trainings

XY Aviation invests on education as a way for 
team strengthening and team capabilities increase.

By means of the development of trainings tailored 
to specific work team needs, we reinforce concepts 
and provide specific tools to personnel in order to 
encourage their individual abilities and increase 
the impact of their contribution. 

In response to specific needs we are able to provide 
trainings, and talks adapted to each profile. Don’t 
hesitate in contacting us for more information in 
regards training and education of your workforce.

Human Factors in Aircraft Maintenance

Initial and recurrent

Power plant management

From data collection through trend analysis and discrepancies to the issuing of work procedures for troubleshooting.



Maintenance programs creation and development

Iniciamos el camino en el MRBR y recorremos áreas como la fiabilidad para alcanzar la adaptación de Programas de Mantenimiento a la especificidad de nuestro operador aéreo.

Fuel Tank Safety

Initial and recurrent



Initial and recurrent

Evaluation, repair and recording of structural damages

Integral management of structural damage. Damage analysis, repair process follow up and aircraft records.


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Specialized Trainings